
The festive season is here, and we look forward to the celebrations with a lot of excitement. But every year, this season also causes many unfortunate fire incidents; leading to substantial losses and distress. Here’s a round up of electricity safety guidelines to help:

Outdoor decor:

The Diwali decor surely looks amazing but it becomes a cause of many mishaps and accidents. Ensure the decorations are safe and certified as is the wiring used to power them. It is best to get trusted professionals to help you with the connections.

Diyas, candles and incense:

Keep them away from electrical wires, lighting decorations and other inflammable objects. 

The Wire ends:

While making temporary connections for the lights and decoration ensure no loose wire-ends stick out. This can lead to electric shocks for unaware people and children. Also keep the decorations away from metals and poles. 

Don’t overload: 

Whether it’s the sockets or when using extension leads and adapters, do ensure the load is as per the capacity. Overloading and overheating can cause fires.

The Wire lengths:

it’s easy to trip on wires around places that you are not used to. Ensure the wires are carefully placed such that nobody trips over them. Keep wires out of reach of children or pets who may accidentally bring them down.


If you must use firecrackers, light them only in open areas and with appropriate safety measures. Ensure the firecrackers are away from wires, transformers and the electrical circuit altogether. In case, a stray fire cracker causes electrical fire, get help immediately and evacuate. Do not try to put out electrical fires with water. 

Fire fighting and escape plan:

Keep small portable extinguishers handy for urgent use. Ensure it is of the appropriate variety for electrical fires. Discuss first aid and emergency measures with your family so that everyone is aware of appropriate exit plans and emergency response.

Avoid over crowding:

The Pandemic situation continues. It is advisable to avoid over-crowded places due to the virus as well as other hazards. Be mindful of neighbours, the community and the planet as you celebrate.


Paramount wires and cables wishes for the safety and prosperity of you and your family. May this season bring you health, wealth and loads of joyous cheers. Stay safe, Live connected!