
The virus crisis continues and we all are slowly getting back to business. Every individual needs to be extra cautious and follow official guidelines. It would be of added professional advantage to do a little more. Adding a few practices can actually make your services premium, while also ensuring people are comfortable and worry-free when they call for services of electricians, plumbers, carpenters or other utilities.

Here’s a few pointers that would ensure safety of both families:

  1. Approved masks: Clinically approved masks are a new addition to the professional appearance. It would be a good idea to invest in a few good quality masks. Make sure you keep them clean, hygienic and wear them properly. The new norm of negligence and lack of sincerity is inappropriately worn masks (lying at the chin/ neck, hanging loose with the nose sticking out)
  2. Disposable shoes and gloves: Taking extra care of wearing clean gloves and shoe covers is a sure sign of dependability. Use disposable ones. If using reusable/ washable protective gear, ensure they are fresh and clean for every visit.
  3. Sanitisation & fumigation: Sanitize all surfaces that you’d touch before you begin your work. Equip yourself with sanitizing sprays and surface disinfectant equipments. Ensure all tools are regularly disinfected too. Fumigating/ disinfecting the area as you leave the clients premises is sure to be a welcome effort, even at extra charges.
  4. Keep distance: Maintain as much distance as possible. When talking to customers, when accepting payments, during all your communication. Physical distancing is the new norm that reflects care, concern and awareness.
  5. Be mindful of contacts: Keep touch to the minimum. Be sure to not touch anything unnecessarily, like door handles, furniture and walls. This conscious body language and efforts of minimizing physical contact will definitely help in boosting the confidence and trust of clients.
  6. Payments: Switch to electronic, no contact payments. It is easy, convenient and risk-free. If at all cash is to be collected, follow sanitisation norms when accepting  currency notes. Sanitize the change while handing it over to the customer.

We request all our electricians to follow these simple steps to the best of their abilities. We hope all our readers would cooperate with and assist all utility workers coming into their homes with the officially prescribed precautions. Stay safe, Stay wired and live connected.