General information about company

Scrip code530555
Whether company is SMENo
Class of SecurityEquity Shares
Type of reportQuarterly
Quarter Ended / Half year ended/Date of Report (For Prelisting / Allotment)31-12-2017
Date of allotment / extinguishment (in case Capital Restructuring selected) / Listing Date
Shareholding pattern filed underRegulation 31 (1) (b)

Sr. No.


1Whether the Listed Entity has issued any partly paid up shares? No
2Whether the Listed Entity has issued any Convertible Securities ? No
3Whether the Listed Entity has issued any Warrants ? No
4Whether the Listed Entity has any shares against which depository receipts are issued? No
5Whether the Listed Entity has any shares in locked-in? Yes
6Whether any shares held by promoters are pledge or otherwise encumbered? No
7Whether company has equity shares with differential voting rights? No

Table I - Summary Statement holding of specified securities

Category (I)Category of shareholder (II)Nos. Of shareholders (III)No. of fully paid up equity shares held (IV)No. Of Partly paid-up equity shares held (V)No. Of shares underlying Depository Receipts (VI)Total nos. shares held (VII) = (IV)+(V)+ (VI)Shareholding as a % of total no. of shares (calculated as per SCRR, 1957) (VIII) As a % of (A+B+C2)Number of Voting Rights held in each class of securities (IX)
No of Voting (XIV) RightsTotal as a % of (A+B+C)
Class eg: XClass eg:yTotal
(A)Promoter & Promoter Group17804105988041059856.27804105988041059856.27
(C)Non Promoter- Non Public
(C1)Shares underlying DRs
(C2)Shares held by Employee Trusts

Table I - Summary Statement holding of specified securities

Category (I)Category of shareholder (II)No. Of Shares Underlying Outstanding convertible securities (X)No. of Shares Underlying Outstanding Warrants (Xi)No. Of Shares Underlying Outstanding convertible securities and No. Of Warrants (Xi) (a)Shareholding , as a % assuming full conversion of convertible securities ( as a percentage of diluted share capital) (XI)= (VII)+(X) As a % of (A+B+C2)Number of Locked in shares (XII)Number of Shares pledged or otherwise encumbered (XIII)Number of equity shares held in dematerialized form (XIV)
No. (a)As a % of total Shares held (b)No. (a)As a % of total Shares held (b)
(A)Promoter & Promoter Group56.271508365518.7680410598
(C)Non Promoter- Non Public
(C1)Shares underlying DRs
(C2)Shares held by Employee Trusts

Table II - Statement showing shareholding pattern of the Promoter and Promoter Group

Sr.Category & Name of the Shareholders (I)Nos. Of shareholders (III)No. of fully paid up equity shares held (IV)No. Of Partly paid-up equity shares held (V)No. Of shares underlying Depository Receipts (VI)Total nos. shares held (VII) = (IV)+(V)+ (VI)Shareholding as a % of total no. of shares (calculated as per SCRR, 1957) (VIII) As a % of (A+B+C2)Number of Voting Rights held in each class of securities (IX)
No of Voting (XIV) RightsTotal as a % of Total Voting rights
Class eg: XClass eg:yTotal
ATable II - Statement showing shareholding pattern of the Promoter and Promoter Group
(a)Individuals/Hindu undivided Family12346007963460079624.21346007963460079624.21
(d)Any Other (specify)5458098024580980232.06458098024580980232.06
Sub-Total (A)(1)17804105988041059856.27804105988041059856.27
Total Shareholding of Promoter and Promoter Group (A)=(A)(1)+(A)(2) 17804105988041059856.27804105988041059856.27
BTable III - Statement showing shareholding pattern of the Public shareholder
(e)Foreign Portfolio Investors11000001000000.071000001000000.07
Sub-Total (B)(1)11000001000000.071000001000000.07
( 3 )Non-institutions
(a(i))Individuals - i.Individual shareholders holding nominal share capital up to Rs. 2 lakhs. 25981313908473139084721.97313908473139084721.97
(a(ii))Individuals - ii. Individual shareholders holding nominal share capital in excess of Rs. 2 lakhs.3313114106131141069.1813114106131141069.18
(e)Any Other (specify)1509178869141788691412.52178869141788691412.52
Sub-Total (B)(3)27523623918676239186743.66623918676239186743.66
Total Public Shareholding (B)=(B)(1)+(B)(2)+(B)(3)27524624918676249186743.73624918676249186743.73
CTable IV - Statement showing shareholding pattern of the Non Promoter- Non Public shareholder
Total ( A+B+C2 )27541142902465142902465100142902465142902465100
Total (A+B+C )27541142902465142902465100142902465142902465100

Table II - Statement showing shareholding pattern of the Promoter and Promoter Group

Sr.No. Of Shares Underlying Outstanding convertible securities (X)No. of Shares Underlying Outstanding Warrants (Xi)No. Of Shares Underlying Outstanding convertible securities and No. Of Warrants (Xi) (a)Shareholding , as a % assuming full conversion of convertible securities ( as a percentage of diluted share capital) (XI)= (VII)+(X) As a % of (A+B+C2)Number of Locked in shares (XII)Number of Shares pledged or otherwise encumbered (XIII)Number of equity shares held in dematerialized form (XIV)
No. (a)As a % of total Shares held (b)No. (a)As a % of total Shares held (b)
ATable II - Statement showing shareholding pattern of the Promoter and Promoter Group
Sub-Total (A)(1)56.271508365518.7680410598
Total Shareholding of Promoter and Promoter Group (A)=(A)(1)+(A)(2) 56.271508365518.7680410598
BTable III - Statement showing shareholding pattern of the Public shareholder
Sub-Total (B)(1)0.0700100000
( 3 )Non-institutions
Sub-Total (B)(3)43.660061189618
Total Public Shareholding (B)=(B)(1)+(B)(2)+(B)(3)43.730061289618
CTable IV - Statement showing shareholding pattern of the Non Promoter- Non Public shareholder
Total ( A+B+C2 )1001508365510.56141700216
Total (A+B+C )1001508365510.56141700216

Individuals/Hindu undivided Family

Searial No.1234567
Name of the Shareholders (I)Shashi Aggarwal Archana Aggarwal Sanjay Aggarwal Sandeep Aggarwal Kamla Aggarwal Sanjay Aggarwal Sandeep Aggarwal
No. of fully paid up equity shares held (IV)84878006595855582610057323005731600700000325000
No. Of Partly paid-up equity shares held (V)
No. Of shares underlying Depository Receipts (VI)
Total nos. shares held (VII) = (IV)+(V)+ (VI)84878006595855582610057323005731600700000325000
Shareholding as a % of total no. of shares (calculated as per SCRR, 1957) (VIII) As a % of (A+B+C2)5.944.624.
Number of Voting Rights held in each class of securities (IX)
Class eg:X84878006595855582610057323005731600700000325000
Class eg:y
Total as a % of Total Voting rights5.944.624.
No. Of Shares Underlying Outstanding convertible securities (X)
No. of Shares Underlying Outstanding Warrants (Xi)
No. Of Shares Underlying Outstanding convertible securities and No. Of Warrants (Xi) (a)
Shareholding , as a % assuming full conversion of convertible securities (as a percentage of diluted share capital) (XI)= (VII)+(Xi)(a) As a % of (A+B+C2)5.944.624.
Number of Locked in shares (XII)
No. (a)8487800659585500000
As a % of total Shares held (b)10010000000
Number of Shares pledged or otherwise encumbered (XIII)
No. (a)
As a % of total Shares held (b)
Number of equity shares held in dematerialized form (XIV)84878006595855582610057323005731600700000325000
Reason for not providing PAN
Reason for not providing PAN

Individuals/Hindu undivided Family

Searial No.89101112
Name of the Shareholders (I)Dhruv Aggarwal Parth Aggarwal Parul Aggarwal Tushar Aggarwal Shyam Sunder Aggarwal Click here to go back
No. of fully paid up equity shares held (IV)2741252741253377662741254200034600796
No. Of Partly paid-up equity shares held (V)
No. Of shares underlying Depository Receipts (VI)
Total nos. shares held (VII) = (IV)+(V)+ (VI)2741252741253377662741254200034600796
Shareholding as a % of total no. of shares (calculated as per SCRR, 1957) (VIII) As a % of (A+B+C2)
Number of Voting Rights held in each class of securities (IX)
Class eg:X2741252741253377662741254200034600796
Class eg:y
Total as a % of Total Voting rights0.
No. Of Shares Underlying Outstanding convertible securities (X)
No. of Shares Underlying Outstanding Warrants (Xi)
No. Of Shares Underlying Outstanding convertible securities and No. Of Warrants (Xi) (a)
Shareholding , as a % assuming full conversion of convertible securities (as a percentage of diluted share capital) (XI)= (VII)+(Xi)(a) As a % of (A+B+C2)
Number of Locked in shares (XII)
No. (a)0000015083655
As a % of total Shares held (b)0000043.59
Number of Shares pledged or otherwise encumbered (XIII)
No. (a)
As a % of total Shares held (b)
Number of equity shares held in dematerialized form (XIV)2741252741253377662741254200034600796
Reason for not providing PAN
Reason for not providing PAN

Any Other (specify)

Searial No.12345
CategoryBodies CorporateBodies CorporateBodies CorporateBodies CorporateBodies CorporateClick here to go back
Name of the Shareholders (I)Paramount Telecables Limited April Investment And Finance Private Limited (iii) Worth Finance And Leasing Private Limited Hertz Electricals (International) Pvt. Ltd. Ekta Ayat Niryat Pvt. Ltd.
No. of the Shareholders (I)111115
No. of fully paid up equity shares held (IV)28316500130401724424330180501075045809802
No. Of Partly paid-up equity shares held (V)
No. Of shares underlying Depository Receipts (VI)
Total nos. shares held (VII) = (IV)+(V)+ (VI)28316500130401724424330180501075045809802
Shareholding as a % of total no. of shares (calculated as per SCRR, 1957) (VIII) As a % of (A+B+C2)19.829.
Number of Voting Rights held in each class of securities (IX)
Class eg: X28316500130401724424330180501075045809802
Class eg:y
Total as a % of Total Voting rights19.829.
No. Of Shares Underlying Outstanding convertible securities (X)
No. of Shares Underlying Outstanding Warrants (Xi)
No. Of Shares Underlying Outstanding convertible securities and No. Of Warrants (Xi) (a)
Shareholding , as a % assuming full conversion of convertible securities (as a percentage of diluted share capital) (XI)= (VII)+(X) As a % of (A+B+C2)19.829.
Number of Locked in shares (XII)
No. (a)000000
As a % of total Shares held (b)000000
Number of Shares pledged or otherwise encumbered (XIII)
No. (a)
As a % of total Shares held (b)
Number of equity shares held in dematerialized form (XIV)28316500130401724424330180501075045809802
Reason for not providing PAN

Individuals - ii. Individual shareholders holding nominal share capital in excess of Rs. 2 lakhs.

Searial No.12
Name of the Shareholders (I)Darpan JainMahesh Chand Goyal Click here to go back
No. of fully paid up equity shares held (IV)439754433027887700332
No. Of Partly paid-up equity shares held (V)
No. Of shares underlying Depository Receipts (VI)
Total nos. shares held (VII) = (IV)+(V)+ (VI)439754433027887700332
Shareholding as a % of total no. of shares (calculated as per SCRR, 1957) (VIII) As a % of (A+B+C2)3.082.315.39
Number of Voting Rights held in each class of securities (IX)
Class eg: X439754433027887700332
Class eg:y
Total as a % of Total Voting rights3.082.315.39
No. Of Shares Underlying Outstanding convertible securities (X)
No. of Shares Underlying Outstanding Warrants (Xi)
No. Of Shares Underlying Outstanding convertible securities and No. Of Warrants (Xi) (a)
Shareholding , as a % assuming full conversion of convertible securities (as a percentage of diluted share capital) (XI)= (VII)+(X) As a % of (A+B+C2)3.082.315.39
Number of Locked in shares (XII)
No. (a)000
As a % of total Shares held (b)000
Number of equity shares held in dematerialized form (XIV)439754433027887700332
Reason for not providing PAN
Reason for not providing PAN

Any Other (specify)

Searial No.1234567
CategoryTrustsHUFOverseas corporate bodiesNRI – Non- RepatNRIClearing MembersBodies Corporate
Category / More than 1 percentageCategoryCategoryCategoryCategoryCategoryCategoryCategory
Name of the Shareholders (I)
No. of the Shareholders (I)2673149123330331
No. of fully paid up equity shares held (IV)174741164218925079365386301233364310880187
No. Of Partly paid-up equity shares held (V)
No. Of shares underlying Depository Receipts (VI)
Total nos. shares held (VII) = (IV)+(V)+ (VI)174741164218925079365386301233364310880187
Shareholding as a % of total no. of shares (calculated as per SCRR, 1957) (VIII) As a % of (A+B+C2)02.880.
Number of Voting Rights held in each class of securities (IX)
Class eg: X174741164218925079365386301233364310880187
Class eg:y
Total as a % of Total Voting rights02.880.
No. Of Shares Underlying Outstanding convertible securities (X)
No. of Shares Underlying Outstanding Warrants (Xi)
No. Of Shares Underlying Outstanding convertible securities and No. Of Warrants (Xi) (a)
Shareholding , as a % assuming full conversion of convertible securities (as a percentage of diluted share capital) (XI)= (VII)+(X) As a % of (A+B+C2)02.880.
Number of Locked in shares (XII)
No. (a)0000000
As a % of total Shares held (b)0000000
Number of equity shares held in dematerialized form (XIV)174741164218925079365386301233364310864382
Reason for not providing PAN
Reason for not providing PAN

Any Other (specify)

Searial No.8
CategoryBodies Corporate
Category / More than 1 percentageMore than 1 percentage of shareholding
Name of the Shareholders (I)Life Secured. Com Pvt. LtdClick here to go back
No. of the Shareholders (I)11509
No. of fully paid up equity shares held (IV)337500017886914
No. Of Partly paid-up equity shares held (V)
No. Of shares underlying Depository Receipts (VI)
Total nos. shares held (VII) = (IV)+(V)+ (VI)337500017886914
Shareholding as a % of total no. of shares (calculated as per SCRR, 1957) (VIII) As a % of (A+B+C2)2.3612.51
Number of Voting Rights held in each class of securities (IX)
Class eg: X337500017886914
Class eg:y
Total as a % of Total Voting rights2.3612.51
No. Of Shares Underlying Outstanding convertible securities (X)
No. of Shares Underlying Outstanding Warrants (Xi)
No. Of Shares Underlying Outstanding convertible securities and No. Of Warrants (Xi) (a)
Shareholding , as a % assuming full conversion of convertible securities (as a percentage of diluted share capital) (XI)= (VII)+(X) As a % of (A+B+C2)2.3612.51
Number of Locked in shares (XII)
No. (a)00
As a % of total Shares held (b)00
Number of equity shares held in dematerialized form (XIV)337500017871109
Reason for not providing PAN
Reason for not providing PAN